Hi there! I'm Lily Yang

-- And this is my story


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My background in Psychology
I graduated with a degree in psychology as I was fascinated by how humans interact with the world and how those understandings could facilitate behavior or mindset shifts. Although I loved analyzing insights, I wanted to apply the research findings to make an impact on people’s lives.

That’s when I discovered Human Centered Design
In my first job at a design resource center, I used research methods to inform design strategy and prototyping in education. I tackled everything from curriculum design and service design to marketing and spatial design and I loved every moment of it.

Growing my visual design skillset

As I got deeper into my design practice, I expanded my visual design skillet on the side by watching tutorials and participating in design challenges. I eventually helped over 25 startups craft their visual identity, strategy, and storytelling.

Although I loved helping companies develop their visual identity, I wanted to explore other complex problem spaces where I could use design to solve product, service, or strategy experiences.

Merging the two

This led me back to human centered design and graduate school where I’m diving deeper into the intersection of research and iterative design to explore and solve unique problems for people in the digital space.

In my free time
You can find me listening to podcasts and audiobooks, trying out new plant based recipes, taking dance classes, or making art.

Thanks for stopping by!
Lily Yang




Experience designer


